Increase the visibility of your website, position yourself in the first search of search engines and increase the number of visitors. So you should know what SEO is and what steps are required to optimize your website’s SEO.

As is known, Google continues to grow. And it is done mainly in 2 aspects: on the one hand changing the search algorithm and on the other hand changing the type of data that is displayed in the search results. If we want to know how to increase organic traffic on Google (and other search engines of course) we need to understand all the changes that are taking place. This keeps our site relevant and we maximize the amount of organic traffic we receive.

It is important to know that search engine optimization and inbound marketing are closely related before getting into the topic. We tell you why!

As you know, the foundation of a good signup strategy is to work well on a business blog. Perfect writing, designed for readers as well as search engines and with the right keywords, helps companies to increase their visibility in the online world.

So much so that blogs serve to attract shoppers while surfing the web.

This method of writing engaging content for your blog will help you grow your rankings but yes, you have to remember that it is a medium or long term method as you will have to go through many steps:

How to increase the number of website visitors with the help of SEO.

In this article we can look at some of the strategies we can use to increase traffic to our blog.

1. Search for keywords. This is the main phase to start implementing the entry strategy.

2. Writing articles based on the keywords selected in the previous point.

3. Optimize articles so that search engines can find them.

4. Publish articles.

5. Indexing position in search engines.

6. Perform on-page SEO and link building tasks to improve positioning.

7. Google’s acknowledgment of publications and work done.

8. Positioning articles in search engines.

As you can see, there are many steps in the post that will help drive traffic to your site, a process that can take some time. But is there anything that can be done to speed up this process? The answer is yes. And we’ll show you how!

If you want to know how to increase organic traffic, you can apply these essentials right now.

SEO tricks to speed up keyword positioning

On blogs that are newly created or have very few visits, it is important to increase traffic and get noticed by Google.

Once Google understands that the site is getting visitors and that users like what they see and read, it helps us position progressively more competitive words. Apply the following suggestions to make it as easy as possible:

1. Content Quality

Google increasingly values ​​the quality of its content, so you have to work for every job.

It must be original, current and contain information of interest to the user. In addition to perfect and correct writing, publications must be of good length; that are too short do not generate the same interest from users or search engines.

Lastly, add audiovisual sources: images, videos and/or infographics – they are invaluable and can improve quality for both Internet users and Google, as they help increase user time on page.

2. Be careful when searching for keywords

Ideally, you should use keywords with high search volume and low competition difficulty. The first variable is very easy to find, you just need to access Google’s keyword planning tool. On the other hand, the MOZ tool can be used to determine the actual level of keyword proficiency.

Another indicator to consider when choosing keywords is opportunity. This term refers to the organic CTR you get when a word comes first, which is very important to know because Google also publishes articles, videos, and images.

These words, with the values ​​just described, can be found in so-called keywords. Contrary to popular belief, these types of words generate invaluable traffic, especially for those in the early stages of sales who are still looking for concrete solutions and answers to their doubts. their needs.

3. On-page SEO

Another thing to keep in mind is that site SEO works well. I want to emphasize two very critical points at this point.

That means repeating the keyword multiple times throughout the post. Google noticed this kind of practice earlier than usual; Well, and since he obviously relies on posts, forcing the keyword multiple times is a punishment, so it’s best not to abuse it.

For example, for semantic use, using synonyms for the main keyword helps improve the quality of the post, make it semantically rich, and position the keywords better. Google admits that they are identical.

4. Link building: Offpage SEO

Of course, sometimes you comment that you need external links pointing to your website or blog, right? They serve to increase the credibility of your website, i.e. how Google recognizes you from competing sites. And it’s rated from 1 to 100, so your online reputation is measured and you can better position yourself thanks to external links.

5. Optimize your metadata and content

The first thing Google looks for on a website is metadata and the presence of keywords in the first few paragraphs of your content. If your metadata contains information about user requests, your website will likely rank higher.

Here are some things you need to optimize for better organic traffic:

• Optimize meta titles, descriptions and keywords

• Optimize image title, ALT and description

• Include the most important keywords in the first few paragraphs, but avoid repeating them too often.

6. Create quality content regularly

You’ve heard it a million times. Content is king. Therefore, quality content naturally attracts social links and actions, and generally improves the user experience of your site.

Good content is no longer enough. Your item must be outstanding and much better than your competitors’ stuff. Don’t write simple and useless articles just to post something new. Instead, focus on quality and make sure your content gets noticed. Quality will be the only way to success.

7. Encourage readers to link to your site.

As I said at the beginning of the article, naturally obtained backlinks will help you get more organic traffic and improve your SEO strategy. You can invite your readers to link to your website by placing a small widget at the bottom of your post. Just like having social media share links, the built-in login widget increases your chances of getting more feedback.

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