On the same day that Microsoft unveiled Windows Server 2019 Activation Key, the first Windows Insider preview version was released. Microsoft SQL Server 2019 is built on the premise of advancing artificial intelligence through enhancing database services, security, and big data cluster integration. The ninth edition of Microsoft’s Windows Server operating system, which is part of the Windows NT family, is now available. It is the second edition of the server operating system based on the Windows 10 platform after Windows Server 2016, and Microsoft announced SQL Server 2019 Activation Key preview version (SQL Server vNext 2.0) during the Ignite 2018 event on September 24th, 2018. Organizations are still adopting SQL Server 2017, and we are now ready with this preview release. As we all know, SQL Server 2017 is a cross-platform operating system that runs on both Windows and Linux. With Apache SparkTM and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) packed along with SQL Server as a single, integrated solution, SQL Server 2019 Activation Key delivers a unified data platform. Microsoft SQL Server 2019 is based on the idea of taking artificial intelligence one step further by enhancing database services, security, and integration with large data clusters, among other things.

Features of SQL Server 2019

SQL Server 2019 includes a number of handy features. The following are a few of them:

  1. Intelligent Query Processing Enhancements

This is a series of improvements that influence the behaviour of the Query Optimizer, the SQL Server component that determines query execution plans.

  1. Accelerated Database Recovery (ADR)

SQL Server now provides a whole new way of recovering databases in the event of a transaction rollback, instance restart, or availability group failover.

  1. Always Encrypted With Secure Enclaves

This is the latest version of Always Encrypted, the encryption technology introduced in SQL Server 2016 that enables transparent column encryption without granting administrators access to the decryption keys.

  1. Memory-Optimized Tempdb Metadata

The SQL team has improved the tempdb code such that some of the metadata that can be a bottleneck on tempdb-heavy systems can now be stored entirely in memory and accessed via RAM.

  1. Query Store Custom Capture Policies

Query Store is a performance tweaking and trending tool for SQL Server that allows you to store, measure, and repair plan regressions.

  1. Verbose Truncation Warnings

Every T-SQL developer has experienced the agony and frustration of a truncation error. Some value doesn’t fit under the new data type, but you don’t get any information about it. Then it’s a matter of trial and error to figure out which value is causing the problem. Not the best start to what should be a simple problem to resolve!

  1. Resumable Index Build

SQL Server now has the option to pause an index rebuild in progress, save the work that has already been done, and resume at a later time.

  1. Data Virtualization With Polybase

Polybase is a SQL Server plugin that enables quick and parallel T-SQL queries to access external storage (often HDFS on-premises) and return results as a T-SQL result set. Polybase now supports Oracle, Teradata, MongoDB, and other databases with SQL 2019.

  1. Last Actual Execution Plan DMF

If you enable the lightweight query profiling feature, a new Dynamic Management Function called sys.dm_exec_query_plan_stats will track the latest ACTUAL execution plan for a query (which you probably should do).

  1. Multiple Internal Performance Improvements

For this version, the SQL team has implemented a number of internal speed improvements. There’s a new index optimization for indexes with a sequential key, as well as enhancements to temp table recompilation and indirect checkpoint scalability.

About Windows Server 2019

Microsoft halted the distribution of Windows 10 version 1809 (build 17763) on October 6, 2018, as it examined a concern with user data loss during an in-place update. It damaged systems when data remained in the previous place after a user profile folder (e.g., documents, music, and photos) was transferred to a new location. Because it was based on the Windows 1809 codebase, Windows Server 2019 Activation Key was pulled from the market at the time, but it was re-released on November 13, 2018. Purchase a Windows Server 2019 Activation Key to verify that each copy of the programme was acquired lawfully. Server 2019’s software product life cycle has been adjusted to match with the new release date.

On the same day that Microsoft unveiled Windows Server 2019 Activation Key, the first Windows Insider preview version was released. SQL Server 2019 Activation Key is built on the premise of advancing artificial intelligence through enhancing database services, security, and big data cluster integration. SQL Server 2019 includes a number of handy features. Windows Server 2019 builds on the strong foundation of Windows Server 2016 and adds a raft of new features in four key areas: hybrid cloud, security, application platform, and hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI).

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